I am in a constant dance with my molten core, that place inside that is loaded and saturated with creative energy. This molten core is my link with Source. I am it’s link with the outer world. It relies on me to give shape, color and texture to the impulses that emerge from it. We have an arrangement. It is always there, pulsating, humming and keeping me alive. And I draw from it when I grow weary of the predictable patterns of my life. When I’m thirsty for a drink of deep refreshment, I go to my molten core. When I’ve temporarily lost my way, I find it again in my relationship to it. When my sense of purpose becomes too fixed, too rigid, or overbearing, the lightness of my molten core is there to bring me back to a more delightful sensibility.

The Dance with Molten Core

The dance with my molten core is one that I love and revere. And at times it terrifies me. It demands such commitment. When I’m not present to it, I suffer in inexplicable ways with a vague malaise that robs my life of color and joy. When I wander away and get lost in the details of work projects and the need for too much control, it tugs at me to come back. But I don’t always listen. I think I can do without it. It feels frightening to relinquish control again. Yet the letting go is essential and the fear is never warranted. I am always met with life giving nectar that fills my heart and soul with hope and promise. My molten core remains true to me even though I’ve wandered. It holds the eternal space for me to return, always. This is part of why I love my molten core and am in such a deeply committed relationship with it.