Sympathetic Joy

Sympathetic Joy

When expansive joy for another’s well-being overtakes the smaller feelings of competition, jealousy, or self diminishment, you are experiencing sympathetic joy. The term “sympathetic joy” is described in Buddhist teachings as rejoicing in the happiness of others. This...
Returning to Home Base

Returning to Home Base

Last night after a very long evening, I sank into bed, said some tender good nights to my husband, closed my eyes and dropped into the core of who I am. This feels like going into the heart area of my body. My heart seems to be like a doorway to this deeper place...


The nature of my molten core is to flow. This intense, fiery place inside especially wants to flow outward, towards others and into the world. It’s what gives me the desire to connect with people. It inspires me to envision a better world and to take steps to help...
Live Feed

Live Feed

When I need to tap into the “live feed” of my soul, I often sit down and write. I’ll give myself 20-30 minutes to handwrite 3 full pages with no censoring. This is intimacy time with me, and my molten core. I learned this technique over 20 years ago when I attended a...
Brilliant Green

Brilliant Green

Today I sat across from a client, listening to her describe her week and some of the challenges she was courageously facing. As she spoke, I noticed the green knit scarf she was wearing and how she wears that color in a way that few people can. The green color was so...
Get Up and Create

Get Up and Create

A friend asked me the other day, “What is it that makes you want to get up in the morning?” I thought to myself, why don’t you ask me a really hard question? I felt an inner smiling at how simple the question was and also how provocative it was. Because there is...